Methaq Real Estate

Real Estate Services At Professionalism

We are Methaq Real Estate
Specialize in Management | Sale | Rent

Methaq Real Estate Agency

Real Estate Services At Professionalism

We are Methaq Real Estate
Specialize in Management | Sale | Rent

Welcome to
Methaq Real Estate

Add great value to your property by hiring Methaq Real Estate’s professional property management team

Our Mission

In addition to our core values, our mission statement further clearly defines our true purpose as an organization and further enhances our team culture. We agree that we consistently live our core values and performing our professions in direct alignment with our mission statement.

Our Vision

To be the most indispensable property destination where the polarities of the real estate market meet.

Our Services

Our Main Focus


Property Management

Add great value to your property by hiring Methaq Real Estate’s professional property management team, who will help you handle tasks that prevent your properties from staying vacant for too long.

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Brokerage and leasing

Providing professional expertise in all areas of residential and commercial real estate, Methaq Brokerage and Leasing Department is truly able to provide our clients with comprehensive and full range of services to clients.

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Real Estate Investment

At Methaq Real Estate, we provide you with an investment window in the United Arab Emirates in the real estate field, especially in other investment fields. We guarantee you to provide your real estate investment needs.

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Total Area Sq


Apartments Sold


Total Constructions


Apartio Rooms
Our Recent Projects

Our Projects


  • Dubai
Project under 'Methaq Real estate management’s'

Queen's hotel Dubai


  • Sharjah
Project under Ruyat Methaq Owners Societie's Sharjah

Afamia 2


  • Ajman
Project under Ruyat methaq owners society Ajman

Smart 1

Our Testimonial

Clients Feedback

Precious ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit, sed dos mod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad min veniam, quis nostrud Precious ips um dolor sit amet, consecte

Jacob William

Precious ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit, sed dos mod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad min veniam, quis nostrud Precious ips um dolor sit amet, consecte

Kelian Anderson

Precious ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit, sed dos mod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad min veniam, quis nostrud Precious ips um dolor sit amet, consecte

Adam Joseph

Precious ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit, sed dos mod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad min veniam, quis nostrud Precious ips um dolor sit amet, consecte

James Carter

Any query?

Should there be any queries we will happily assist you. Just make a call.